Detoxification means the process of removing poisons from the body. Cells full of toxins result in low energy and lack of enthusiasm for life.The symptoms of detoxification can vary , but the one common denominator is they all leave us feeling less then our best. They can range from simple body odor and skin eruptions to full blown debilitating fatigue. I have heard reports of intense expulsions from the body in the form of mucus, or a variety of worms (tapeworms etc..). Something to always keep in mind is that you are much better off without these various forms of toxin occupying your body. The discomfort associated with their removal from the body is well worth the improved state of our overall health and well being once they are gone. An easy analogy is the symptoms of withdrawal a nicotine or heroin addict (or coffee!!!) will go through during the ‘coming off’ stage, but the increased energy, health and overall well being that results from the cleansing. Eating a diet rich in living foods (uncooked fresh organic fruits, vegetables , seeds, nuts, sea/fresh water algae, sprouts) initially results in this process of cleansing. As we stop putting foods and substances void of life force into our body the natural God given process of healing (‘coded’ into our systems) starts. We are wonderfully and perfectly made, all we have to do is feed these wonderful machines we walk around in the correct fuel and they WILL and DO take care of themselves. Below I will put a list of common detoxification symptoms. Most will only last a few days to a week; the cleaner we keep our systems the faster these will pass!!!
- Cravings - You will most likely crave the most toxic foods for your body. Our bodies have grown use to the things we have chosen to put in it, change is tough, growth has pain associated, but is always worth it!!!
- Body Pains – aches, cramps, gastrointestinal intestinal upset, stuffy/runny nose, sleep disturbance (extreme fatigue or insomnia) , headaches among others.
- Mental Pains – these include irritability, moodiness, anger, frustration. Don’t let these get in your way, they are NOT you. Truly we are our Souls, and our mental/physical faculties are merely the chariot (the body) and the horses (the mental senses) : we are the DRIVER , we are the one in control. Be a MASTER of yourself!!!
To help with these symptoms get plenty of rest, plenty of water and plenty of fresh air and sunshine!
Once these symptoms of detoxification pass you will feel more alive then before they started , you will literally coruscate ; BRILLIANT in your new found self.
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