Life is always a series of choices. Choices on what we will do, how we will see things, how we will respond (or react!). Each choice is a building block on what our world is/will be. We are always free to choose to see things from the perspective of joy and love; even the things that ‘happen’ to us that seem painful or unfair etc..Things are always happening for our greater good, the Universe loves to support our growth. If we are living lives that are out of sync with what is best for us, painful things seem to be the best teachers. To have a life full of joy and happiness we simply need to start making the choice in each moment to recognize that whatever is happening is for our greater good. To FIND the lesson, to SEE the beauty in all moments, all people, all things. Truly God did not create a world of chaos and disharmony, on the contrary He created a world of beauty and order. When we are in sync with the natural flow of life everything is happening wonderfully and beautifully; people, places and things support us and bring harmony and joy into our lives. Our perspective is so crucial to what our lives are. If we choose to see things as happening to us rather then for us we tend to see only the negative in life. We can change that anytime, any moment..right NOW!! Today is the day, this moment is the MOMENT when we can choose to see our lives as our own. “Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?" (John 10:34).. We are co-creators of our Universe. Make the choice to recognize your role in your life. You have made it what it is. You are a child of the Living God and you are imbued with UNBELIEVABLE power. USE IT!
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