Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Eight Limbs of Yoga: Original Ashtanga


The benefits of yoga  in all its forms, or limbs is getting to be well documented and its use prevalent in our modern world.  There are still many of us who upon hearing of yoga think only of the limb known as Asana, consisting of the physical postures  .  This one element of yoga (which means to yoke) is often the doorway through which many of us enter or have entered the world of Raja Yoga, or the Royal Science of Yoga.  Yoga is a means to realizing our true nature and living out of it.  When practiced in its fullness it brings about the union (the yoking) of our ego self with our true Self (the part of us that is unchanging, ever existing). Living out of this true Self leads to a state of joy, peace and fulfillment.  The eight limbs (or branches) consist of :

  1. Yama (restraints) – Ahimsa (non violence), – Satya (truthfulness), – Asteya (non-stealing), – Brahmacharya (sexual continence), – Aparigraha (non-possessiveness).
  2. Niyama (observances) - – Saucha (cleanliness), – Santosha (contentment), – Tapas (austerity), – Svadhyaya (scriptural study), – Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to God).
  3. Asana (posture; literally perfect seat)
  4. Pranayama (life-force control)
  5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)
  6. Dharana (concentration)
  7. Dhyana (meditation)
  8. Samadhi (union of Soul with God)

Outside of these eight limbs as defined in Patanjali’s yoga sutras there are different recognized approaches of yoga, or paths to unification with the Divine.  The practice of Asana falls under the path of Hatha Yoga. In addition to Hatha are Bhakti (yoga of devotion), Jnana (yoga of knowledge ), Japa (repetition of mantra), Karma yoga (yoga of selfless service) and the all encompassing approach of Raja yoga (royal yoga). Yoga is said to be a scientific approach to realization in that all who follow the prescribed methodologies will ultimately have the desired result (unification). Yoga is free of traditional dogma and is therefore available to believers of all paths. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Joy of Detoxification!!

Detoxification means the process of removing  poisons from the body. Cells full of toxins result in low energy and lack of enthusiasm for life.
The symptoms of detoxification can vary , but the one common denominator is they all leave us feeling less then our best.  They can range from simple body odor and skin eruptions to full blown debilitating fatigue.  I have heard reports of intense expulsions from the body in the form of mucus, or a variety of worms (tapeworms etc..).  Something to always keep in mind is that you are much better off without these various forms of toxin occupying your body.  The discomfort associated with their removal from the body is well worth the improved state of our overall health and well being once they are gone.  An easy analogy is the symptoms of withdrawal a nicotine or heroin addict (or coffee!!!) will go through during the ‘coming off’ stage, but the increased energy, health and overall well being that results from the cleansing. Eating a diet rich in living foods (uncooked fresh organic fruits, vegetables , seeds, nuts, sea/fresh water algae, sprouts) initially results in this process of cleansing.  As we stop putting foods and substances void of life force into our body the natural God given process of healing (‘coded’ into our systems) starts.  We are wonderfully and perfectly made, all we have to do is feed these wonderful machines we walk around in the correct fuel and they WILL and DO take care of themselves. Below I will put a list of common detoxification  symptoms.  Most will only last a few days to a week; the cleaner we keep our systems the faster these will pass!!!

  • Cravings - You will most likely crave the most toxic foods for your body. Our bodies have grown use to the things we have chosen to put in it, change is tough, growth has pain associated, but is always worth it!!!
  • Body Pains – aches, cramps, gastrointestinal intestinal upset, stuffy/runny nose, sleep disturbance (extreme fatigue or insomnia) , headaches among others.
  • Mental Pains – these include irritability, moodiness, anger, frustration.  Don’t let these get in your way, they are NOT you.  Truly we are our Souls, and our mental/physical faculties are merely the chariot (the body) and the horses (the mental senses) : we are the DRIVER , we are the one in control.  Be a MASTER of yourself!!!

To help with these symptoms get plenty of rest, plenty of water and plenty of fresh air and sunshine! 
Once these symptoms of detoxification pass you will feel more alive then before they started , you will literally coruscate ; BRILLIANT in your new found self.

freeimages.co.uk nature images


Monday, May 4, 2009

Perspective: A Key to a Happy Life


Life is always a series of choices.  Choices on what we will do, how we will see things, how we will respond (or react!).  Each choice is a building block on what our world is/will be.  We are always free to choose to see things from the perspective of joy and love; even the things that ‘happen’ to us that seem painful or unfair etc..Things are always happening for our greater good, the Universe loves to support our growth.  If we are living lives that are out of sync with what is best for us, painful things seem to be the best teachers.  To have a life full of joy and happiness we simply need to start making the choice in each moment to recognize that whatever is happening is for our greater good.  To FIND the lesson, to SEE the beauty in all moments, all people, all things.  Truly God did not create a world of chaos and disharmony, on the contrary He created a world of beauty and order.  When we are in sync with the natural flow of life everything is happening wonderfully and beautifully; people, places and things  support us and bring harmony and joy into our lives.  Our perspective is so crucial to what our lives are.  If we choose to see things as happening to us rather then for us we tend to see only the negative in life.  We can change that anytime, any moment..right NOW!! Today is the day, this moment is the MOMENT when we can choose to see our lives as our own.  “Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?" (John 10:34).. We are co-creators of our Universe. Make the choice to recognize your role in your life.  You have made it what it is.  You are a child of the Living God and you are imbued with UNBELIEVABLE power.  USE IT!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Living Foods and Why!!

yum Wheatgrass, buckwheat and sunflower greens!! Healthy and delicious!

I originally got involved in the living food community in 1998 through a book by Viktoras Kulvinskas, and shortly thereafter (‘99) took a series of courses being given by the Boutenko family on becoming a Living Food Gourmet Chef.  I have been a certified Living Food Chef  and have personally maintained around a 75% living food diet since 1999.  I personally have not tried to adhere to 100% living foods only because I feel the mental stress that can result is possibly more toxic then eating foods that are cooked.  I have found in life that moderation and flexibility are extremely important in all things, diet and exercise are no exception.  In an ideal world, and an ideal environment I would have to say that a 100% living food diet would be the ultimate way of existing, but with the environmental toxins that exist in today’s world the extreme sensitivity that results from a 100% living foods diet can be overwhelming.  I have found that eating mostly living foods coupled with proper exercise and right meditation/prayer leads to a life that is balanced, full of joy and energy, is self and earth sustaining, and is abundantly rich in smiles.  There is nothing complicated about living a life that is symbiotic with the environment and the people whom we share our world with. LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE!!! LET LOVE BE YOUR GUIDE!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Help in Trying Times:

My primary goal in setting up this blog was to find a way to help as many people as I am able to, regardless of proximity.  I have a deep desire to be of service to my fellow human beings.  I have been blessed with so much through out my short life that I would love the opportunity to give some of that which has been given to me back to others.  Most of my blessings have come in the form of self knowledge;  as the old adage goes “know thyself, know the world”.  How true this has been for me.  I am overflowing with information on health and well being.  I have watched my life literally transform from one riddled with troubles and tribulations to one drenched with joy and love.  I still have the same daily challenges that we all have: paying our bills, living a righteous life, finding time for self-nurturing, finding time for communion with God.  The big difference has come through three primary areas that are simple to adjust in our lives: our diet, our commitment to exercise, and our commitment to setting aside a period of the day to give to whatever we call our Higher Power.  These three simple yet life transforming ‘practices’ will change your daily life completely.  No pill, or drug, or drink is going to change who you are and how you see the world.  We can either continue to do things in the same way we always have or we can choose to make changes.  To stand up and literally fight against our bad habits and ways of living.  I want to help.  If you have no money I don’t care, email me, call me. Have a beautiful day and remember to SMILE! Everything is truly perfect! 

Friday, April 3, 2009

E3 Live and why I recommend it....

E3 Live is one of the most nutrient rich whole foods on our planet. Not only is it available in its raw state (ensuring all enzymes and nutrients are totally intact and available to the body) but it is so far superior to any other whole food supplement I have found that I recommend it to everyone regardless of the level of health you currently have. I started taking blue-green algae and spirulina over fifteen years ago, and have always been content with the products I chose to ingest, but about a year ago a friend (Dr. George Cromack) turned me onto E3 Live and suggested I give it a try. I can honestly say I am amazed and elated at the results I have experienced in the year I have been a dedicated fan of this sublime whole food. Its range of health benefits are extensive and I urge everyone to take the time to go to their website (the link is posted at the right side of this webpage!) and read up on what they have available. They offer a one year money back gurantee on all their products so you truly have nothing to lose, and ALOT to potentially gain. Good luck to everyone on their journey to health and happiness, stay focused on what you want in your life and continue to move towards those goals! I hope to talk with you soon.

Possible Benefits:

  • Increase endurance and stamina
  • Lift and balance mood to reduce stress
  • Increase mental focus and concentration
  • Balance blood-sugar levels
  • Speed up recovery time
  • Restore overall biochemical balance (1)
  • Enjoy long-lasting energy boost (2)
  • Grow healthier skin, nails and hair
  • Truly enhance overall well-being

(1) Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Director, Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
(2) Dr. Fred Bisci, nationally renowned health lecturer

E3Live® is 100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA for short) that is an all-organic wild-harvested aqua-botanical considered by renowned health authorities to be nature's most beneficial superfood.

Physiologically, E3Live® helps restore overall body/mind balance in numerous ways. Its field of action simultaneously includes the immune, endocrine, nervous, gastro-intestinal and cardio-vascular systems.

Nutritionally, E3Live® provides 64 easily absorbed vitamins, minerals and enzymes and has more biologically active chlorophyll than any known food. It is the most nutrient dense food known to mankind.

Importance of diet, exercise and concentration!

These three key aspects of life are crucial to living happy and healthy. Diet, or what we put into our body is critical to feeling good and attaining what we want out of our lives. If we are eating foods that are not nutritionally sound, we are essentially building a body that is also lacking in the essential necessities of life. A healthy , well balanced diet is one of the cornerstones to creating the life we want. If we have everything else we want (success, good relations, family etc..) but are not comfortable in the body we inhabit due to lack of proper nutrition and exercise we are unable to maintain peace and happiness. This is due not only to the mental aspect of not being happy with what we see in the mirror, but also with the physiological aspect that a malnourished body is hormonally imbalanced which can lead to feelings of depression and general unhappiness. A healthy happy life is not something that is out of reach for anybody; regardless of age, social-economic status or physical condition, all it takes is a little concentration on what we want for ourselves and the willingness to commit to following through with our goals. That commitment means each day doing all you can do to be what you really want to be and have the life you really want to have. Truly it is simple and satisfying once we start doing it. Remember each journey begins with the first step!!